What an achievement !

I have been in Recruitment for just under 22 years……it consistently has it’s ups & downs & I love the industry, however the toughest & hardest challenge that I have encountered was the 5,643m (18,510ft) climb up Mount Elbrus in Russia in 2007, with a team of fellow Recruitment Branch Managers.

Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe & at 31 years of age I embarked on a journey that took me to climb a dormant volcano & learn a lot about myself & what I can achieve.  I had all the gear & not a full idea of what I was about to take on……Mount Elbrus is the highest & most prominent peak in Europe & is actually the 10th most prominent peak in the World !

However, it was not so much about the climbing or reaching the top…….it was more about teamwork, leadership, friendship, championing others to be the best that they can be, overcoming fears & achieving amazing feats outside of our comfort zone. I helped my colleagues & my colleagues helped me & we did it together & had fun at the same time.

The trip & whole experience is one I will never forget. We slept in huts on a snowy mountain, spent days acclimatising, climbed above the clouds, ate food which I have no idea what it was or where it came from, experienced an avalanche, went to the toilet in a hole and/or in the snow, brushed our teeth on the mountain side, experienced the cold like I have never experienced before & drunk Russian Vodka like it was going out of fashion!!  Overall, this is a part of my recruitment life that I will never ever forget & I am so grateful that I had this opportunity.

The best bit being, that we were all raising money for charity by doing this which made us all the more determined. We were receiving sponsorship for ‘Get Kids Going’ which helps children with disabilities take part in sport.  If you would like to know more then please visit https://www.getkidsgoing.com/

I often look at photos of our trip which are stunning & funny & I will never forget what we achieved & the bond we made.

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